Improve your health with cleaner, greener travel.
CleanAir aims to improve the health of its users by reducing the air pollution they breath while traveling, providing personal air quality monitoring, encompassed within a smart band, tightening as poor air quality is detected. Creating detailed breakdowns, health advice and route changes through an app.
We conducted thorough secondary and primary research using research papers, news articles, Internet articles and videos along with an online questionnaire. Key insights included that, with education comes change however accessible, understandable information is needed to empower change.
A detailed design process followed incorporating fluid ideation through design thinking, research and experience prototyping which included prototyping of physical representations of lung discomfort and sizing as well as detailed bodystorming activities incorporating the proposal into context.
The device consistently records air quality readings using an integrated PM2.5 + PM10 particulate sensor. Utilising smart materials in a weaved electroactive polymer, the strap tightens and loosens in response to an electric current, symbolising air quality.
The physical discomfort simulated through the smart material, signifies the discomfort of the lungs when breathing in poor air quality with the intention to enforce a positive behaviour change in a users commuting habits.
Multiple journey routes based on air quality will be highlighted to the user. On route, travellers can engage with a live, interactive, map showcasing air quality, providing clear health benefits of taking alternative routes at a cost to time/method of travel. Within the app, the user has full access to their journey history to learn and inform their future travel habits, as well as an educational database consisting of specialised health information to the user.
This was a University group project achieving 76% and shortlisted for an award by the RSA.
You can view my University submission boards here